The Key to a Healthy Gut

The Key to a Healthy Gut

“Gut Health” is a buzz phrase that you may have heard on the internet or from Instagram, but what does that actually look like? Gut health can come about in many ways and there are tons of variables that will influence it. It should also be noted that there isn’t a blueprint for the perfect gut, as this is going to be different for everyone. No gut is alike whatsoever!
Gut health issues may not always be blatantly obvious either. You may be totally aware of any problems with your gut, or you could have no idea a problem is even present. It all comes down to the severity or duration that these problems have been around. Regardless, there are ways in which you can improve your gut health to benefit you immensely.
In this post, we’ll cover why gut health matters, the benefits of having a healthy gut, and how you can influence it yourself.
What is a Healthy Gut?
Like stated earlier, there is no blueprint for gut health. This is because every single person can have a different gut “biome”. Yes, there is literally a colony of microorganisms that inhabit your gut and feed off the food you consume. A healthy gut is one that has enough microorganisms, the right kinds of microorganisms, and good food for those microorganisms.
When you have these things aligned in the right amounts for you, then your body can absorb nutrients better, digest food, and even provide you with more energy. When they aren’t, you will notice trouble with your mood, energy, and overall well-being.
You must have the right amount of gut bacteria present to break food down. When you don’t have enough, food can sit there and rot, essentially, in a way that can cause some forms of disease. This is where something like a probiotic comes into play, as it brings a literal army of microorganisms to the battlefield of your gut. You can find one of the best and properly dosed probiotic complexes with 1UP Nutrition.  This one has 25 billion CFU’s of various beneficial bacteria that will be sure to bring you back up to speed.
In addition, you must have the right kinds of gut bacteria. Not just any old bugs will do. They have to be ones that can co-exist in a beneficial way with you. There are BAD bacteria as well. They can cause you issues and avoiding them often comes down to getting enough of the good stuff. Think of it like a balance scale. The more you tip into a balance of good bacteria, the more they will grow and push out the bad bacteria.
A healthy gut also comes down to providing the right food to these bacteria. They don’t want just anything they can get their hands on. They actually have a preference on food. When they get the right stuff, they in turn, reward you with beneficial nutrients and other compounds that can go into the signaling of neurotransmitters and much more. We’ll break down the foods you eat more in the next section so that you can find exactly what you need to improve on.
The Foods You Eat
The bacteria in your gut have a preferred diet. It isn’t food that is processed or full of added sugars either. Your gut bacteria are going to want what are referred to as prebiotics. Most vegetables, fruits, roots, and fibrous plants are prebiotics. These foods are favorites for your gut and there’s a good reason why. They have tons of nutrients in them that are good for you, but also the bacteria. This keeps them happy, which allows them to do their thing. If you begin feeding them donuts and candy, well, you get the idea.
Some of these prebiotic foods include things like asparagus, onions, garlic, peppers, and really any other vegetable. Fruits are also a great option that your gut will love. Another favorite is any high fiber food. Things like oatmeal, potatoes, and quinoa are all great for those gut bacteria.
You can also think about choosing foods that are minimally processed. The reason behind this, is that the organisms in your stomach recognize simple foods. Things that have been grown or harvested. When you start consuming foods that were made from sugars, trans fats, or any other not-so-healthy option the gut won’t recognize it. This throws things off which can eventually harm the balance you have going on inside of you.
Now, more veggies are a great idea for getting in prebiotics for your gut health. However, you can also grab something like a Greens & Reds Powder that will provide you with plenty of prebiotics. This is a fast and efficient way of doubling down on your gut health. Yes, still eat real food, but this is going to help a ton!
Finally, you need to look into eating some more probiotic foods. These are going to be foods that naturally contain microorganisms through fermentation. Foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, and pickles are all great additions to your menu.
Now, those are some good ideas of how to improve your gut health. The next thing you’ll want to know is what to expect once you do this. There are numerous benefits to a healthy gut. The gut actually controls a ton of processes in the body that you may not even consider.
Of course, it helps with digestion. When the gut can run smoothly, you can digest food better which will provide you the most nutrients possible from your food. You literally become more efficient, which can help with bloating tremendously!
Proper gut health can also help with your energy levels. If you feel tired all the time, it may not be your sleep. You may have poor gut health and it’s causing you to miss out on some vital nutrients for energy.
The gut is also considered the second brain of the human body. This is due to it being close to the Vagus Nerve. This nerve runs from the gut all the way back to the brain and is influenced by the activity going on inside your gut region. Things like signals for hunger cues and other neurotransmitter activity are recorded going on here. Turns out, some of mood issues you may be experiencing could be related to the state of your gut health.
The gut is fascinating because they are constantly discovering more and more about how important it is. As things grow and develop, it always comes back to fostering a healthy environment for the right bacteria to be present. If you treat it well, it will treat you back.
Closing Thoughts
Gut health seems daunting right? While it can be complex, you can always find somewhere to start. Eating more of the right foods will help you 9 times out of 10. You need more fermented foods and more of the foods that the bacteria enjoy. You literally have to take care of your gut like tending a garden. Give it the right food, remember to keep it fed, and make sure to supplement it with the proper nutrients.
From here, you can start to individualize what your gut needs. Eventually, you will notice a world of difference in how you feel and operate on a day-to-day basis.
Start small and see how you feel as you progress. Listen to your body as you work on your gut health, and you’ll learn quickly.
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